In the context of its Public Health Programs, PRAKSIS implements
integrated awareness programs for HIV, Hepatitis B and C. At the
same time, it collaborates with hospitals, providing immediate and
free referrals for HIV detected cases .At the same time, the free
of charge hot line800 11 11 600 continues to inform the public on
ΗIV and Hepatitis B, while also expanding the service to Hepatitis
C issues. PRAKSIS also implements an awareness campaign for
Hepatitis C.
PRAKSIS begins the implementation of the “SYN STO PLIN”
Program. Specifically, it operates two Day Centers for the
homeless in Athens and Piraeus. The goal of this program is
theimmediate intervention with those who become homeless. This
is anintervention program to handle critical situations within the
community, both through the Day Centers as well as through co-
ordinated supportive streetwork interventions.
In addition, and with the goal of aiding Greek families who are being
victimized by the crisis and are in danger of becoming homeless,
PRAKSIS implements the program “Social Housing” in Athens
and Thessaloniki, through targeted supportive actions, aiming
at returning these families to the labour market. Specifically, the
program aims at the co-ordinated management and support of
those families who are at the poverty line, while offering them a
series of services and basic needs.
PRAKSIS initiates the operation of Day Centers for Unaccompanied
Minors and vulnerable groups in Athens and Patras in a joint effort
with the Greek Red Cross.
PRAKSIS continues the support and provision of services with the
inauguration of another medical unit in Thessaloniki.
PRAKSIS promotes skills development, employment and
entrepreneurship to beneficiaries through various intervention
PRAKSIS continues to intervene via its Mobile Medical Units in the
large cities and at the borders, always depending on the current
needs. The Day Centers for the Homeless in Athens and Piraeus
are strengthened.
PRAKSIS continues its efforts of lobbying, aiming at a change in
policies and at the protection of the basic and fundamental rights
of its target groups, by designing and strengthening its advocacy
And the trip continues!
You will find more information on all of the programs, interventions
and actions of 2013, in this edition of our Annual Report.
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